The first symptoms of prostatitis in men

Painful pain in the lower abdomen is the first sign of impending prostatitis

Prostatitis, like any other disease, has certain symptoms. It is important for a man to know exactly the first signs, because they are a signal for seeing a doctor and further examination. We will talk about how different forms of inflammation of the prostate gland and first aid measures manifest themselves in the article.

In brief about the prostate and prostatitis

The prostate gland of an adult male is a glandular organ made up of two lobules and a capsule, as well as the adjacent prostatic urethra. The prostate performs 3 functions at once:

  1. Regulates the density of semen by producing prostate juice and diluting the ejaculate with it.
  2. Blocks the urethra at the time of orgasm.
  3. Takes part in the production of certain hormones, or controls their level in the body.

If a man's reproductive system fails, the first signs will be associated with these prostate functions.

As a result of the invasion of pathogenic microflora in the prostate or after its injury, hypothermia, as well as stagnant processes, inflammation begins. In this case, the blood microcirculation is disturbed, the outflow of lymph, venous blood and secretion from the prostate worsens. This leads to the development of edema and an increase in the size of the glands. As a result, the tissues are compressed, the man has a feeling of heaviness in the perineum or a slight aching pain in the lower abdomen - the first sign of impending prostatitis.

The clinical picture will largely depend on the form of the inflammatory process and the reasons that provoked it.

Symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis

The first symptoms of acute prostatitis are very hard to miss - they come on suddenly and develop quickly. It often takes 2 to 4 days between the start of the inflammatory process and the first sign.Feeling of heaviness in the perineal region with acute inflammation of the prostateIn this case, the clinical picture will depend on the stage of the disease.

Acute catarrhal inflammation

The first sign of this type of prostatitis will be a feeling of heaviness in the perineal area, as well as increased urination at night. Body temperature does not rise with this form, as men often ignore existing problems or try to solve them on their own, causing the next step.

Acute follicular inflammation

At this point, the first signs of prostatitis will be more pronounced. Many men no longer risk self-medication, but go to the doctor. The complaints will be very different:

  1. There is a dull pain in the perineum, may radiate to the tailbone or anus.
  2. Urination is painful, man has difficulty, which means acute urinary retention may develop.
  3. Pain during bowel movements, due to which the man cannot go to the toilet.

These are the first symptoms of acute follicular prostatitis, to which are added fever of up to 38 degrees, general depression of the body, weakness, lethargy. The man becomes irritable, the libido decreases, erectile dysfunction can appear.

These symptoms persist and without proper treatment the next stage develops.

Acute parenchymal inflammation

The inflammatory process has already spread to the parenchymal tissue, so it is growing rapidly. The first thing a sick man will notice is an increase in body temperature to high values ​​(from 39 ° C), chills, a dry mouth. The pain will become intense, throbbing, can be felt both in the perineum and in the lower back, in the abdomen, genitals.

Urination will also change. A man will first notice an intermittent flow, and then he will not be able to empty his bladder at all due to severe pain. If you do not call for an ambulance, there will be signs of indigestion - bloating, constipation, abdominal pain of different localization. Foul mucus drains from the anus.

You can understand that acute parenchymal prostatitis started with its characteristic: the pain goes away if you lie on your back and raise your legs. This is a clear signal that medical attention is urgently needed.

The first signs of chronic prostatitis

Erection problems in chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis is a prolonged inflammation of the prostate, so the first signs start, most often, in the acute form. However, from time to time a man expects periods of exacerbation, and here you need to understand what symptoms they will be accompanied by. Most often, men complain of the following health problems:

  1. Burning around the glans penis, especially during ejaculation or urination;
  2. Slight pain in perineum, may radiate to pubis;
  3. Slight increase in body temperature.

With chronic prostatitis, problems with erection inevitably begin, as well as the ability to participate in the conception of a child. This is due to a deterioration in the functions of the prostate, due to which the blood supply to the penis changes, and the quality of sperm also deteriorates.

At the first signs of exacerbation of prostatitis, you should undergo treatment. It is not recommended to use the pills prescribed by a doctor earlier without prior examination.

The clinical picture of the disease

Regardless of the form of the inflammatory process and the reasons that caused it, a man will have a noticeable triad of symptoms, with the only difference in the intensity of their manifestation. Prostatitis is always accompanied by urinary dysfunction, pain, and erectile dysfunction.

Urine with prostatitis is excreted in drops or its flow is intermittent. Sometimes the jet is sprayed and it is then problematic for a man to relieve a small urge while standing. The urge to urinate occurs more often at night, especially closer to the morning. With stones in the prostate, the urine may turn pink due to the mixing of blood.

A man suffers from prostate pain

With prostatitis, epithelial cells and the like build up in the urethra, and bacteria can also multiply. This leads to a burning sensation which intensifies at the time of urination or ejaculation.

Pain cannot be avoided either. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, they can be:

  • whine;
  • stupid
  • ;
  • Shooting
  • (heartbeat).

Their most common location is the perineal region, just below the testes. Irradiation of the coccyx, sacrum, pubis, penis is not excluded. In addition, pain may occur in the anus, especially when pushing, since a man often experiences constipation.

As for body temperature, it rarely rises to 38 degrees. The exception is parenchymal and purulent prostatitis, in which this indicator can reach 40 degrees and is accompanied by chills, severe depression and sometimes confusion. In such cases, the temperature associated with prostatitis threatens the life of the patient.

First aid for prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis is also possible on an outpatient basis, if one does not talk about purulent processes. But even in this case, one can not do without going to the doctor to be referred for examination and for the choice of treatment tactics. However, the first signs of prostatitis may appear when a man is unable to call an ambulance, so you need to know some of the principles of first aid.

Acute prostatitis attack
  1. When the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, you can take an antipyretic.
  2. To relieve the pain, it is good to lie on your back and raise your legs as high as possible (lean against the wall or furniture).
  3. For particularly severe pain, you can drink an antispasmodic or insert suppositories.

As soon as possible you should see a doctor, while at the reception you should tell what medicines you have taken and in what dosage.

Traditional methods can be used only after confirmation of the diagnosis and only with the permission of the attending physician.

How prostatitis manifests itself in tests

Prostatitis refers to diseases which do not have symptoms inherent to them. For example, a burning sensation when urinating may be associated with urethritis, and pain in the lower abdomen may be associated with appendicitis or cystitis. Therefore, the final diagnosis is not made on the patient's complaints, but on the results of laboratory tests of blood, urine, semen and prostatic juice. Data from rectal examination, TRUS and a number of other instrumental methods are also taken into account.

The following diagnostic features are characteristic of prostatitis:

  1. Presence of bacteria or fungi in urine and prostatic fluid.
  2. The presence of leukocyte cells in urine and blood tests.
  3. Decreased number of grains of leukocytes against the background of an increase in the number of leukocytes in the secretion of the prostate;
  4. Blood in urine or semen;
  5. Decreased rate of erythrocyte sedimentation in blood tests.
  6. Pain on palpation of the prostate, change in size and consistency.
  7. Echogenicity, grain, contour change based on TRUS results.

The combination of these signs with complaints of well-being allows us to make an accurate diagnosis, which means that the treatment will be correctly prescribed. The quality of life of the patient, the speed of their recovery and, in some cases, their life depends on it.


Knowing the early signs of male prostatitis, you can navigate changes in well-being over time and take action in advance. If the pain in the perineum began, the urine stream became scarce, and the urge to urinate became more frequent - this is a reason to suspect inflammation of the prostate and a signal to see a doctor. It is better not to self-medicate in these cases.